Dr. Jing Yang

Dr. Jing Yang

Senior Researcher

Technische Universität Berlin

Jing Yang completed her Bachelor’s degree in Information and Computing Science at the Hubei University of Technology in China, followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science at Hunan University, China. Her Master’s dissertation is related to identifying 3D printed objects and printers with Digital Forensics and Machine Learning. After obtaining her Master’s degree in 2019, Jing pursued her PhD at the RECOD.ai lab from the University of Campinas in Brazil, under the supervision of Prof. Anderson Rocha. During 2022-2023, Jing did a research internship at the Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing lab in TU Darmstadt. Her PhD thesis is related to improving fact-checking efficiency and explainability with few-shot learning and large language models. Jing is currently working as a post-doc researcher at TU Berlin, focusing on topics related to generating natural language languages for AI-based disinformation detection.

  • Natural language explanation generation
  • Large language model tuning/prompting
  • Synthetic text evaluation
  • Human preference study on text generation