Dr. Vera Schmitt build up and is leading the XplaiNLP group at the QUL, based on the aquired funding from third-party projects. With her group she is exploring core NLP topisc, xAI, HCI and legal aspects of AI systems in the domain of disinformation detection and medical data processing. Vera completed her undergraduate studies in Politics and Public Administration (B.A.) at the University of Konstanz. During this time, she developed a keen interest in statistics and co-founded CorrelAid, a non-profit community of data science enthusiasts. Afterward, she pursued her passion for data science by enrolling in a Master’s program in Data Science at Leuphana University in Lüneburg. As a member of the ChangemakerXchange she actively contributed to projects of CorrelAid in various countries, including Malaysia, Japan, and Singapore. Following this, she started a Ph.D. at the Q&U Labe at the TU Berlin, concerning the topic of economic aspects of privacy. During her PhD, she aquired a BMBF research group funding (KI-Nachwuchsgruppen unter Leitung von Frauen) of 1.4 Million € to significantly extend her already existing group.
Personal website: https://veraschmitt.github.io/