Max Upravitelev

Max Upravitelev

PhD Candidate

Technische Universität Berlin

Before switching to Computer Science, Max Upravitelev studied Philosophy and Social Sciences (BA) and European History and Literature (MA). His previous positions included civic education projects, art projects and work at the German Federal Cultural Foundation. While pursuing his second master’s degree in Practical Computer Science (MSc) at the University of Hagen he worked as a Research Assistant at Fraunhofer FOKUS within projects on Learning Technologies and Image Processing. After completing his thesis on the usage of Knowledge Graphs within Outside Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering he joined the Fraunhofer FOKUS’ business unit Future Applications and Media as a Research Associate in 2023. In 2025, he became a researcher and PhD candidate in the XplaiNLP group at the Q&U Lab, TU Berlin.

  • (Multimodal) Semantic Search
  • Reasoning with Numerical and Symbolic Representations of Textual, Visual and Graph Data
  • Constructing Knowledge Bases and Knowledge Graphs
  • Software Architectures around ML-based Components
  • Modeling Narratives from Interdisciplinary Perspectives
  • Interpretability of Transformer and GNN-based Architectures
  • Automated Evaluation Strategies for LLM-based Systems